Global Terrestrial Ecosystems  




The long-term goal of the terrestrial GHG management component is to identify and quantify suitable measures of intervention in the terrestrial GHG cycles in a consistent manner within forestry and agriculture, and linked to energy and industrial sectors in order to safeguard sustainable development of the coupled GHG-climate-human system.

IIASA Model TreeWe are developing models that cover a broad variety of subjects ranging from modeling of forestry activities to deforestation, competition over land and bioenergy supply. The model types are multiple: optimization models, deterministic models or stochastic approaches.

Research Projects
In order to reach our research goals, we are leading or participating in a wide variety of projects:
CC-TAME | Climate Change: Terrestrial Adaptation Mitigation Europe
EuroGEOSS | A European Approach to GEOSS
BEE | Biomass Energy Europe
QUEST | Quatermass: Quantifying & Understanding the Earth System
MICDIF | Microbial Diversity and Functions
EC4MACS | EU Consortium for Modelling Air Pollution & Climate




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