Analysis of Northern Eurasia's Terrestrial Biota  




The overall objective is to get a better understanding of the cycling of the terrestrial non-CO2 gases in order to be able to produce solid Full Terrestrial Biota GHG budget (FGGB) and the concrete objectives are: (1) to develop a sound methodology of the FGGB at the continental/national level taking into account international climate negotiations, (2) to provide the FGGB for selected regions of Northern Eurasia, (3) to estimate uncertainties of the FGGB, and (4) to provide recommendations for policy makers and stakeholders with special emphasis on scientific validity of international conventions and negotiations.

Completed Research Projects
Siberia-I | SAR Imaging for boreal ecology
Siberia-II | Multi-sensor concepts for GHG accounting
ENVIRO-RISK | Man-induced Environmental Risks
IRIS | Irkutsk Regional Information System

Major Outcomes/Results
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment | Forest and Woodland Systems
Carbon Accounting Methodology
Russian Forests & Forestry
Land Resources of Russia
Forest Markets, Governance & Trade



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