Instructions for extracting data from the GAINS-online version

(this guide refers to data for the C&E Package)

The GAINS-online version provides interactive access to the GAINS databases holding all information that has been used to construct the cost curves for all Member States. To extract data for a selected country, follow these steps:

To log into the GAINS-online version:

  1. With your web browser go to
  2. Choose the 'GAINS Europe' model implementation and log in. (You need to register first. Registration is free, and you will receive an activation code via email immediately after registration).

To display emissions (for the C&E Package):

  1. Click on the tab “Emissions”.
  2. Select the pollutant (“CH4”, “N2O” or “FGAS”) on the left side menu.
  3. Select the scheme in which you would like to have emission data aggregated for display from the left side menu.
  4. From the menu that will pop up on the right side, select the scenario group “Non-CO2 gases for C&E Package ”, and the “National Projections 2006, FCCC ” scenario within this group.
  5. Select “Single Region” as the mode to display results, and then your country of interest.

To display activity data (for the C&E Package):

  1. Click on the tab “Activity Data”.
  2. Select the activity type in the combo-box on the top of the left menu (i.e., Energy, Transport, Agriculture, etc.).
  3. Specify the type of data and the aggregation scheme from the left side menu.
  4. From the menu that will pop up on the right side, select the scenario group “Non-CO2 gases for C&E Package ”, and the “National Projections 2006, FCCC ” scenario within this group.
  5. Select “Single Region” as the mode to display results, and then your country of interest.

To download data:

  1. To download data into an excel sheet, click on the button: "Display data in export format".
  2. Using the mouse, mark the range with data to be exported and then click "Copy" (or Ctrl-C).
  3. Open an excel sheet and paste the data into an empy worksheet.
  4. In Excel, choose "Data/Text to columns" and follow the dialogue. Note that data from GAINS are comma-delimited. This will put data into different columns.
  5. From there on you can proceed with all Excel functions to process data.

Responsible for this page: Markus Amann
Last updated: 29 Jul 2008

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