08 November 2017

Former Collaborator Hermann Maurer

Prof. Dr. Hermann Maurer highlights IIASA research on the Austria-Forum. More on this platform and its goals may be found below.

© Hermann Maurer

© Hermann Maurer

The Austria-Forum is an online collection of reference works in both German and English on Austria-related topics. There are currently over 910,000 media objects freely accessible on the platform.  

Prof. Dr. Hermann Maurer founded this forum in 2009 to provide quality controlled information, rather than anonymous information whose origins are unknown, for schools and the interested public. His goal is to fight against doubtful information and fake news. “The Austria-Forum is proud to make selected IIASA Options magazines as well as selected stories from the IIASA Analyst and Alumni Newsletter available to its readership,” states Maurer.

If you are interested in making a contribution to 'Stories of Change' or would like to provide feedback, please send an email to Hermann Maurer

Check out austria-forum.org

About Hermann Maurer

Hermann Maurer studied mathematics at the Universities of Vienna (Austria) and Calgary starting in 1959 and received his PhD in Mathematics from the University of Vienna in 1965. He is Professor Emeritus from the Graz University of Technology and has supervised over 60 dissertations, written more than 20 books and over 750 scientific articles.

His original research was in compiler design, formal languages, automata, algorithms and data-structures. He then worked in a variety of areas including applications of computers to exhibitions and museums, Web based learning environments, languages and their applications, data structures and their efficient use, telematic services, computer networks, computer supported new media, dynamic symbolic language and techniques to fight plagiarism. His current main research and project areas are networked multimedia/hypermedia systems; electronic publishing and applications thereof, information integration, future implications of computers, and computers in Science Fiction.

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Last edited: 15 November 2017


Monika Bauer

Liaison and Partnership Officer Communications and External Relations Department

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Schlossplatz 1, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria
Phone: (+43 2236) 807 0 Fax:(+43 2236) 71 313