Air Quality and Greenhouse Gases (AIR) ( - 2020)

Around the world, AIR's systems approach is framing new policies that maximize co-benefits between air quality management, greenhouse gas mitigation and other policy priorities.

Ongoing and new research related to the AIR program can now be found in the Pollution Management Research Group of the new Energy, Climate and Environment Program.

© Vicki France |

© Vicki France |

There are important interactions between climate and air quality strategies, and development, economic and social policy objectives. However, maximizing the potential co-benefits from these - well-documented - interactions poses a host of complex  challenges to decision makers. 

AIR supports decision makers in devising smart solutions that deliver tangible benefits to diverse groups in society through innovative methodologies that bring together relevant insights from recent research on geo-physical, economic and social aspects of pollution control. In particular, AIR pioneers strategic research into a wide range of links between local air pollution and other policy objectives:

These research topics are addressed through specific projects, usually in close collaboration with partners that form a large international and multi-disciplinary scientific network.

Outcomes of the AIR project include:

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Last edited: 22 October 2021

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