ICES (headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark) is not only the main advisory agency for managing the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas, but also the world’s oldest intergovernmental organization concerned with marine and fisheries science.
In particular, the ICES Working Group on Fisheries-Induced Evolution (WGEVO) was convened for the sixth time in 2014 co-chaired by two of EEP’s senior scientists. Addressing scientific and applied dimensions of fisheries-induced evolution, this expert group works on designing protocols and tools for evolutionary impact assessments (EvoIAs; [1]) and on the influence of fisheries-induced evolution on reference points for fisheries management [2]. Through WGEVO, EEP is now intensively working on an ambitious new collaborative international study on estimating fisheries-induced selection pressures across a large number of stocks, further progress on which has been made throughout 2014.
[1] Laugen AT, Engelhard GH, Whitlock R, Arlinghaus R, Dankel DJ, Dunlop ES, Eikeset AM, Enberg K, Jørgensen C, Matsumura S, Nusslé S, Urbach D, Baulier L, Boukal DS, Ernande B, Johnston FD, Mollet F, Pardoe H, Therkildsen NO, Uusi-Heikkilä S, Vainikka A, Heino M, Rijnsdorp AD & Dieckmann U (2014). Evolutionary impact assessment: Accounting for evolutionary consequences of fishing in an ecosystem approach to fisheries management. Fish and Fisheries 15:65–96.
[2] Heino M, Baulier L, Boukal DS, Ernande B, Johnston FD, Mollet FM, Pardoe H, Therkildsen NO, Uusi-Heikkila S, Vainikka A, Arlinghaus R, Dankel DJ, Dunlop ES, Eikeset AM, Enberg K, Engelhard GH, Jorgensen C, Laugen AT, Matsumura S, Nussle S, Urbach D, Whitlock R, Rijnsdorp AD & Dieckmann U (2013). Can fisheries-induced evolution shift reference points for fisheries management? ICES Journal of Marine Science 70:707–721.
Principal Research Scholar Exploratory Modeling of Human-natural Systems Research Group - Advancing Systems Analysis Program
Principal Research Scholar Systemic Risk and Resilience Research Group - Advancing Systems Analysis Program
Principal Research Scholar Cooperation and Transformative Governance Research Group - Advancing Systems Analysis Program
Research program
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
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