

The main global problem areas being researched at IIASA are among the greatest challenges facing humanity today. To see research specific to these areas click on the relevant circles below.


IIASA has 23 member organizations across the globe, and IIASA’s research varies from fully fledged global collaborations to small country-scale projects. To access research related to a country or region click on the map below.

"The IIASA Scientific Update 2014 is designed to provide IIASA's governing body, the Council, with a wide-ranging and detailed account of scientific activities at the Institute over the last calendar year. It is presented online to give IIASA’s global stakeholders in science, academia, government, and the private sector immediate and in-depth access to the year’s activities.

IIASA’s research work is highly integrated and increasingly so. I hope that this interactive document will help you navigate the different research streams, discover how they interconnect, and gain insights into the significance of the scientific achievements at IIASA in 2014."

Professor Dr. Pavel Kabat
Director General and Chief Executive Officer of IIASA

Using the images above, our research can be searched by Research area, showing our alignment to the 2011-2020 Strategic Plan, or by research relevant to one of our National Member Organizations.

2014 Publications

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Schlossplatz 1, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria
Phone: (+43 2236) 807 0 Fax:(+43 2236) 71 313