Capacity building

Capacity building at IIASA is the training of young scientists in advanced systems analysis so that they can better address the large interconnected challenges of global change

IIASA has three main programs for young scientists. The Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP) is the flagship program enabling around 50 young scientists from around the world to pursue their predoctoral research for three months from June through August on a topic related to IIASA's own research program. 

In 2013-14 the second Southern African YSSP (SA-YSSP) was held at the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein. SA-YSSP, like its counterpart at IIASA, is conceptualized as a three-month education, academic training and research capacity-building program.  

Postdoctoral fellows work with established IIASA researchers to gain experience in advanced systems analysis as applied to their related fields of study.

YSSP: Scientific Proceedings

The scientific papers from the Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP) were delivered at IIASA's Late Summer Workshop on 26-27 August 2013, collated and edited by YSSP participant Tiina Häyhä, and subsequently published as an informal Proceedings. More

Southern African YSSP: Scientific Proceedings

The scientific papers from the Young Scientists Summer Program - Southern Africa were presented at the concluding workshop of the Program, held at the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa. Here is a selection of papers published in the Proceedings of the workshop at which participants presented their projects and results. More

Postdoctoral Program 2013

Seven postdoctoral researchers worked at IIASA in 2013, building their own scientific knowledge and expertise in support of the Institute's own research directions. More

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Last edited: 09 April 2014

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
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