
The roots of IIASA's Land Use Change and Agriculture Program go back to 1977 when the Food and Agriculture Program was initiated. Many of the research and modeling activities of that time provided a broad basis for current research and the experience gained then continues to be used in ongoing analysis.

The Institute can now base its findings on thirty years of active involvement, methods development, and quantitative assessments in a broad range of evolving research topics and policy issues in this field. Many of the earlier working papers can now be downloaded free-of-charge from the IIASA Publications site, along with the program’s current Interim and Research Reports and special publications.

In collaboration with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the Land Use Change and Agriculture Program has also produced a number of CD-ROMs, which can be ordered from FAO.

Selected policy briefs and presentations are also available from these links.

Responsible for this page: Elisabeth Kawczynski
Last updated: 24 Feb 2011