The Land Use Change and Agriculture Program has produced several CD-ROMs, most of them in cooperation with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO):

The Harmonized World Soil Database. The Land Use Change and Agriculture program of IIASA and the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations in collaberation with ISRIC- world soil Information, Institute of Soil Science - Chinese Academy of Science and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission developed a comprehensive Harmonized World Soil database based on vast volumes of recently collected regional and national updates of soil information.

Internet Explorer only: Global Agro-Ecological Assessment for Agriculture in the 21st Century. The Global Agro-Ecological Assessment (GAEZ) 2002 CD-ROM for agriculture in the 21st century —Internet Explorer only — contains information on soil, terrain, and climatic conditions worldwide and forms the basis for a global assessment of potential crop productivity. Also contains umerous downloadable maps and tables, a report on methodology and results, and an executive summary report illustrating the main findings. Report (pdf). CD-ROM available from FAO (#21). Order form.

aezwinAEZWIN is an interactive multiple-criteria analysis tool for appraising land resources. This Windows-based software package was prepared by IIASA based on the FAO Agro-Ecological Zones methodology for land resources appraisal. It is meant for appraising land resources for land use planning and management and for teaching and researching the AEZ methodology of land resources appraisal. User's guide (pdf). CD-ROM available from FAO (#15), Order form.

Global AEZWIN CD-ROM jacket.The Global Agro-Ecological Zones (GAEZ) 2000 CD-ROM begins to address key resource questions: Will there be sufficient agricultural land to meet food and fiber demands of future populations? Where are shortages of agricultural land, and where is there room for expansion? What contribution can be expected from irrigation? Is land under forest ecosystems potentially good agricultural land? What are the main physical constraints to agricultural production? Will global warming affect agricultural potentials? CD-ROM available from FAO (#11), For techical information, contact:

Soil and Physiographic Database for North and Central Eurasia. CD-ROM in ZIP format.Soil and Physiographic Database for North and Central Eurasia. CD-ROM in ZIP format.Soil and Physiographic Database for North and Central Eurasia (here in zip format) covers China, Mongolia, and all countries of the former Soviet Union. The research summarizes and updates the FAO Soil Map of the World for the territory of Russia at a 1:5 million scale. CD-ROM available from FAO (#7). Order Form.

Can China Feed Itself? is an interactive electronic publication with facts, analyses, web-links, and visuals such as charts, maps, diagrams, and satellite images. The CD-ROM was designed as a decision-support application for planners and policymakers.


Responsible for this page: Elisabeth Kawczynski
Last updated: 24 Feb 2011