Together with the Advanced Systems Analysis (ASA) and Ecosystem Services and Management (ESM) Programs, EEP will start a new three-year cross-cutting project on Dynamic Vegetation Models: The Next Generation and a new one-year Systems Analysis Forum exploratory project on Navigating the Pareto Front: Understanding Economic-Environmental Tradeoffs under Value Diversity Among Stakeholders.
In the context of the Arctic Futures Initiative, EEP will take the lead on a new research project entitled Toward a Holistic Bio-Socio-Economic Pan-Arctic Fisheries Assessment. Research will draw on a IIASA-developed quantitative assessment framework for analyzing management regimes that best balance multiple fisheries benefits from the perspective of different stakeholder groups. These benefits will be evaluated using a bio-socio-economic model parameterized for Arctic fisheries. This approach crucially goes beyond the still-dominant focus of fisheries assessments on biological metrics (yield), by also including metrics quantifying economic benefits (profit), social benefits (employment), and conservation benefits (stock preservation).
EEP continues to collaborate on two three-year, cross-cutting projects on Systemic Risk and Network Dynamics and on Equitable Governance of Common Goods, both of which began in 2014 and now are in their peak phase. EEP is working with both ASA and the Risk, Policy and Vulnerability Program (RPV) on the first of these projects and with RPV on the second.
Support for many young scientists involved, newly and previously, in the Young Scientists Summer Program will continue throughout 2016 to help the next generation of systems analysts turn their research achievements into publishable manuscripts.
Principal Research Scholar Exploratory Modeling of Human-natural Systems Research Group - Advancing Systems Analysis Program
Principal Research Scholar Systemic Risk and Resilience Research Group - Advancing Systems Analysis Program
Principal Research Scholar Cooperation and Transformative Governance Research Group - Advancing Systems Analysis Program
Research program
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
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