Evolution and Ecology

Developing new methods and pioneering their applications, the Evolution and Ecology Program (EEP) analyzes and forecasts how ecological and evolutionary dynamics shape populations, communities, and ecosystems.

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Modern approaches to describing complex adaptive systems need to account for nonlinear feedbacks, non-equilibrium dynamics, discontinuities and break points, collective phenomena, systemic transitions, behavioral dynamics, as well as multi-level and multi-scale interactions among processes and agents.

Ecology is the quintessential systems science, dealing with such complex challenges in a holistic way. This approach is complemented by studies of adaptation and evolution, which account for the ubiquitous capacity of agents to alter their features and interactions in response to environmental change. Theoretical physics contributes advanced mathematical and computational tools to the mix of methodologies that is characteristic of EEP’s research.

EEP is building bridges between fundamental and policy-oriented, theoretical and empirical, biological and mathematical, and analytical and numerical approaches to the systems analysis of living systems:

Together, these projects show how innovative methods inspired by the dynamics of living systems can invigorate and integrate key facets of modern applied systems analysis.

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Last edited: 21 January 2019


Darina Zlatanova

Program and Project Officer Cooperation and Transformative Governance Research Group - Advancing Systems Analysis Program

Program and Project Officer Advancing Systems Analysis Program

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Schlossplatz 1, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria
Phone: (+43 2236) 807 0 Fax:(+43 2236) 71 313