IIASA Council

The Council is the governing body of the Institute. The Council is responsible for governance oversight, approval of the institute budget, approving strategies and governing principles, areas for IIASA research, as well as ensuring that IIASA activities are in line with institutional objectives, the provisions of the Charter, and the interests of NMOs.



The Council is the governing body of the Institute. The Council is composed of one permanent representative from each NMO. The Council meets twice a year, in June and November. The Charter, the Council delegation of authority, and Council resolutions, document the role of Council, as well as its processes and decisions. 

The Council appoints the Institute’s Director General (DG), Deputy Director General for Science (DDGS) and the Chief Operations Officer (COO). The following Council Committees carry out the Council work:

  • Executive Committee
  • Finance, Risk and Audit Committee
  • Membership Committee
  • Research and Engagement Committee
  • Science Advisory Committee

More details on the roles and the responsibilities of the IIASA Council can be found in the IIASA Charter, which was signed by all founding member countries in 1972 and subsequently by each new member country.

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Last edited: 18 June 2021


Sanja Drinkovic

IIASA Governing Council Secretary Council Department

IIASA Governing Council Secretary Directorate - DG Department

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Schlossplatz 1, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria
Phone: (+43 2236) 807 0 Fax:(+43 2236) 71 313