1) Candidates are required to develop and submit a research proposal that interfaces their own research interests with the research agenda of one of the various activities pursued at IIASA. To find the program suitable for your research please view our research page. Once you have formulated a proposal we encourage you to contact the relevant program representatives.
We suggest to look at the application form, frame the proposed according to the questions there, and then send an introductory e-mail. This is vital, not only to discuss research ideas and ascertain their relevance to IIASA but also to ensure more realistic research plans and expectations on the part of both IIASA and the applicant.
2) Candidates should have held their PhD for less than five years at the application deadline. However, eligibility is extended under the following circumstances.
3) IIASA does not do lab-type research and therefore has no labs. Also please note that the fellowship requires you to be present at IIASA; please do not apply if you need to stay away from the institute for you research, or expect IIASA to fund field research.
Before applying please also have a look at our postdoctoral fellowship guidelines.
For information on call openings and application deadlines please see information below.
Our institute invites Expressions of Interest proposals to participate in the Marie Curie Individual Fellowships scheme with IIASA as host institution. More
The IIASA-NERC Collaborative Research Fellowships programme will provide three years of support for at least two promising early-career researchers to deliver challenging research and support the development of long-term collaborative working relationships between the UK and IIASA research communities. More
Postdoctoral students wishing to develop skills, experience and expertise in systems analysis, and in international and interdisciplinary research are invited to apply for a fellowship within the PKU-IIASA Postdoctoral Program. More
In partnership with IIASA’s Brazilian NMO, the Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES) IIASA offers doctoral and postdoc opportunities for Brazilian nationals and permanent residents. More
The IIASA-Israel Program offers opportunities for postdoc and mid-career researchers to develop their skills and expertise in systems analysis, and international and interdisciplinary research at IIASA. More
The Peter E. de Jánosi Fellowship was established by IIASA in honor of Dr. de Jánosi, who, as director of the institute from 1990 to 1996, guided its transition from a bridge between East and West during the Cold War to its current role as a center for objective, multinational, interdisciplinary analysis of global change. More
Korean nationals who have received their doctoral degrees by Korean universities are eligible to apply for postdoctoral fellowships. Biannually, the National Research Foundation of Korea provides funding for up to 24 months. Candidates have to apply to both NRF (on the NRF website) and IIASA. More
In addition to the (bilateral) fellowships above we invite you to look at the following funding opportunities available in our NMO countries and across the world which sponsor postdoctoral fellows in areas of research complementary to work done at IIASA. Please note that the list is non exhaustive and is continuously updated.
Options Magazine
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Schlossplatz 1, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria
Phone: (+43 2236) 807 0 Fax:(+43 2236) 71 313