Mitigation of Air Pollution

The Mitigation of Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gases (MAG) Program explores new options that could deliver cost-effective improvements to development, human health, agricultural production, and biodiversity at the local scale and in the near term, while at the same time yielding positive side-effects in terms of climate change.

Tree, green grass, blue sky © cosmin4000 | iStock

Tree, green grass, blue sky

The current impasse on global climate agreements and the urgent need for a quick reversal in global greenhouse gas emission trends to avoid dangerous climate change have required innovative approaches on the part of researchers in the Mitigation of Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gases (MAG) Program.

In 2013 MAG scientists aimed for cost-effective improvements to development, human health, agricultural production, and biodiversity at the local scale and in the near term, while yielding positive side-effects in terms of climate change and air pollution. Analyses are of immediate policy relevance for industrialized and developing countries and provide scientific guidance to a range of international policy initiatives.

They are fully in line with IIASA’s mission “to provide insights and guidance to policymakers worldwide by finding solutions to global and universal problems through applied systems analysis in order to improve human and societal wellbeing and to protect the environment."

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Last edited: 22 May 2014

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