Population dynamics and sustainable development

The World Population Program (POP) will work on new European Research Council proposals to advance nonconventional, human resource-based approaches to understanding population dynamics and its implications for sustainable development.

Population dynamics © Rafal Olechowski | Dreamstime.com

Population dynamics

As part of this work, enhanced interdisciplinary analytical approaches will be developed with a view to ensuring scientific excellence and relevance. This approach will include the entire framework of the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital.

The Wittgenstein Centre's Data Explorer, developed by IIASA scientists in partnership with Vienna Institute of Demography researchers under the umbrella of the Wittgenstein Center, will also be made available online.

Designed using R+Shiny, the Data Explorer will provide data, projection assumptions and results on the population of all world countries (195) by age, sex, and education from 2010 to 2100 according to six scenarios. Other indicators related to fertility, mortality, migration will also be available. There will be the option to consult the data online or download it into a file (CSV). The Data Explorer will include graphical representation in dynamic pyramids and maps. The users would also be able to access links to the relevant meta-data for more details.

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Last edited: 22 May 2014


Wolfgang Lutz

Distinguished Emeritus Research Scholar Population and Just Societies Program

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