Integration of modeling resources into Decision Support Systems (DSS)

The Advanced Systems Analysis (ASA) Program has been working for several years on Web-enabled structured modeling, multi-criteria analysis, and infrastructure for sharing research databases, all aimed at supporting collaborative interdisciplinary research for decision support.

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Meta-modeling tools supporting policy analysis must meet the requirements of credibility, transparency, replicability, interactivity with users, and integration across sub-models. 

Models have been growing in complexity and size, and are often developed by integration of sub-models and/or data developed by different teams. Hence the need for Web-enabled structured modeling, multi-criteria analysis, and infrastructure for sharing research databases. The aim of this work by ASA is to support collaborative interdisciplinary research for decision support.

Web-enabled integration of heterogeneous modeling resources (models, data, and modeling tools) is implemented as the generic DSS kernel prototype; this work is part of the FP7-funded project “Energy Efficiency and Risk Management in Public Buildings (EnRiMa)”.


ASA's main collaborators in the field of integration of modeling resources include H. Ren, Professor, East China University, Shanghai, China; A. Wierzbicki, Professor,National Institute of Telecommunications, Warsaw, Poland.

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Last edited: 21 May 2014


Elena Rovenskaya

Program Director and Principal Research Scholar Advancing Systems Analysis Program

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