Adaptive dynamics theory, which was co-developed by EEP researchers, has become widely used in studies interfacing ecological, evolutionary, and environmental changes.
Figure 1. Illustration of how the prevalence of triangular configurations in a point pattern changes with their spatial scale [6].
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[5] Metz JAJ & Geritz SAH. Frequency dependence 3.0: An attempt at codifying the evolutionary ecology perspective. Journal of Mathematical Biology 72: 1011–1037.
[6] Kaito C, Dieckmann U, Sasaki A & Takasu F (2015). Beyond pairs: Definition and interpretation of third-order structure in spatial point patterns. Journal of Theoretical Biology 372: 22–38.
Principal Research Scholar Exploratory Modeling of Human-natural Systems Research Group - Advancing Systems Analysis Program
Principal Research Scholar Systemic Risk and Resilience Research Group - Advancing Systems Analysis Program
Principal Research Scholar Cooperation and Transformative Governance Research Group - Advancing Systems Analysis Program
Research program
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
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