The Selection Committee for the Peccei and Mikhalevich Awards has completed its review of the 2014 nominations. We congratulate the winners! More
The European Research Council has awarded a highly competitive Consolidator Grant to Steffen Fritz, leader and creator of IIASA’s citizen science project, Geo-Wiki. More
Researchers from Austria, Spain, Belgium, and France will explore the worsening environmental problems related to nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon under a new grant from the European Research Council. More
IIASA board of trustees chairman Norman Neuriter has been honored by the President of Poland for his achievements in connecting Polish and American science. More
IIASA Director and CEO Professor Dr. Pavel Kabat has been awarded one of the highest distinctions of the Kingdom of the Netherlands for his longstanding contribution to science and the science policy interface, both in the Netherlands and internationally. More
IIASA researchers have won a "Best Paper" award from the journal Remote Sensing, for a study on using crowdsourcing to improve land cover data. More
Longtime IIASA friend and supporter and Global Energy Assessment (GEA) Co-President Jose Goldemberg has won the Zayed Future Energy Prize 2013 Lifetime Achievement Award. More
Further information
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Schlossplatz 1, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria
Phone: (+43 2236) 807 0 Fax:(+43 2236) 71 313