Lower mercury emissions from low carbon strategies

The Mitigation of Air Pollution & Greenhouse Gases (MAG) Program has extended its GAINS model to the assessment of mercury (Hg), which is associated with negative impacts on human health.

Mercury © ados | iStock


A recent paper finds that in a stringent global climate mitigation regime, global atmospheric releases of mercury from anthropogenic sources would be 45% lower in 2050 than under a business-as-usual scenario, as a side effect of the decarbonization of the energy system.

Around one-third of these co-benefits would emerge in China [1].


[1] Rafaj P, Schoepp W, Russ P, Heyes C, Amann M (2013). Co-benefits of post-2012 global climate mitigation policies. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 18(6):801-824 (August 2013).

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Last edited: 30 June 2015


Peter Rafaj

Guest Senior Research Scholar Pollution Management Research Group - Energy, Climate, and Environment Program

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