The TNT-ENE tools spearheaded by Peter Kolp have become a hallmark of the IIASA mission to support scientific research, documentation, and dissemination. Their reach has grown exceptionally with page visits and downloads ranging from 104 to 106 per year (Figure 1). TNT and ENE scientists have also developed a number of web-based solutions for model and scenario inter-comparison projects, including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. In total two dozen scenario databases are currently hosted by IIASA. The usage of these has grown substantially over the years, reaching about 3,000 unique visitors and 130 GB of downloads per month in 2015 (Figure 2).
Figure 1. Showing downloads and page visits for the online tools: Energy Primer (online educational resource), Historical Case Studies of Energy Technology Innovations (HCSET), Logistic Substitution Model of Technological Change (LSM2), Energy and Carbon Emissions Inventories Database (ECDB), Scaling Dynamics of Energy Technologies (SD-ET), Primary, Final and Useful Energy Database (PFUDB).
Figure 2. Community service: Access statistics to online scenario data bases jointly developed and hosted by TNT and ENE.
Research program
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