YSSP Research Topics

Invited research topics for the PM Research Group

We particularly encourage research proposals that address one of the following over-arching research topics:

  • How can the interactions between air quality and climate mitigation strategies be managed and modelled?
  • Which policy decisions for pollution control need to be taken in the near future in order not to compromise the attainability of other objectives of sustainable development?

Specifically, we invite applications for the following technology- or sector-specific areas:

A global perspective on air quality-climate interactions

  • Exploring co-benefits between air quality and short-lived climate pollutants;
  • Systemic approaches in modelling air, water and soil pollution and implications of long-term deep decarbonisation strategies.

Mitigation options for non-CO2 greenhouse gases

  • Quantification of system impacts of novel technologies to address non-CO2 (CH4, N2O) emissions and simultaneously enhance efficiency in resource utilization in agriculture, waste and wastewater sectors (students with advanced knowledge in relevant novel technologies are particularly encouraged to apply);
  • Modelling PFC emissions from the semiconductor and LCD industry.
  • Exploring co-benefits of climate-friendly and energy-efficient cooling.

Local pollution management with global benefits

  • Feedback between new abatement technologies, demand and consumer behavior, especially for households, traffic and mobility, food and diet;
  • Emission reductions through energy efficiency in the industry and power sectors.


  • Emissions scenarios for aviation or marine shipping;
  • Scenarios for electric vehicles in booming economies;
  • Analysis of real-world emissions and high-emitter analysis.

The element and material cycles

  • Developing approaches to examine nitrogen and nutrient cycling;
  • Integrated assessment of resources extraction and element cycling (metals, plastics), as well as systems perspective on circular economy.

This list of topics is neither complete nor exclusive and will be updated in the course of time. In addition, we are always interested in original research suggestions of your choice.

Please be aware that the number of grants is limited and competition is high. Preference will be given on the grounds of scientific excellence and the quality of the research proposal.

Further general details about the YSSP and information on submitting an application are available at IIASA's YSSP web pages. Candidates are encouraged to contact the PM research group representative, Peter Rafaj, at an early stage in their application.

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Last edited: 11 October 2021


Peter Rafaj

Guest Senior Research Scholar Pollution Management Research Group - Energy, Climate, and Environment Program

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Schlossplatz 1, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria
Phone: (+43 2236) 807 0 Fax:(+43 2236) 71 313