30 November 2015 - 04 December 2015
Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria

Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development Forum

IIASA Director General and CEO Professor Dr. Pavel Kabat, IIASA Deputy Director General Nebojsa Nakicenovic, and Special Advisor to the Director General Chin-Min Lee, participated in the fourth United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Inclusive and Sustainable Development (ISID) Forum and the UNIDO General Conference.



This General Conference takes place at a crucial moment for the world of international development. In September 2015, the international community adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The inclusion of Goal 9, “Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”, will universalize UNIDO’s mandate of inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) and will anchor the Organization’s role squarely at the centre of the 2030 agenda.

The General Conference is organized under the overarching theme “Sustainable industrialization for shared prosperity” and foresees a keynote speech by Nobel-prize winner Joseph Stiglitz. 

The General Conference also incorporates the fourth ISID forum which aims to address how UNIDO can contribute to advancing industry, infrastructure, and innovation in the context of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9.

It will highlight the achievements of UNIDO’s new Programme for Country Partnership (PCP), which is being piloted in Ethiopia and Senegal, and is expected to be extended to a number of other countries in Asia and Latin America.

The first day of the high-level panel discussion will focus on the potential of multi-stakeholder partnerships for creating linkages and synergies between infrastructure investment, industrial development and investment in innovation. Kabat will contribute his expertise in applied systems analysis and its relevance for linking innovation to infrastructure and industrial development, which is central to the implementation of SDG 9. Nakicenovic will participate in a panel discussion on Sustainable Industrialization for Climate Action.


UNIDO is the specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability. It aspires to reduce poverty through inclusive and sustainable industrial development. All countries should have the opportunity to grow a flourishing productive sector, to increase their participation in international trade and to safeguard their environment.

Inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) means that:

  1. Every country achieves a higher level of industrialization in their economies, and benefits from the globalization of markets for industrial goods and services.
  2. No one is left behind in benefiting from industrial growth, and prosperity is shared among women and men in all countries.
  3. Broader economic and social growth is supported within an environmentally sustainable framework.
  4. Unique knowledge and resources are combined of all relevant development actors to maximize the development impact of ISID.

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Last edited: 03 December 2015

Nexus Solutions for Sustainability

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