04 February 2014
Both Kabat and Nakicenovic will be speaking in plenary sessions at the DSDS, held in New Delhi from 6-8 February. The summit, which is organized by long-term IIASA collaborator, Rajendra Pachauri and The Energy and Resources Institute, is hosted under the rubric “Attaining Energy, Water and Food Security for All.”
Kabat and Nakicenovic will join a number of dignitaries at the event, including the Former President of Finland H.E. Ms. Tarja Halonen; Former Deputy Prime Minister of UK Lord Prescott; India's Ministers of Renewable Energy, of Environment, and of External Affairs, ministers from a further 25 countries including Colombia, Denmark, Mongolia, Portugal and Tanzania; Nobel Laureates Mr. Kofi Annan and Dr. Yuan-Tseh Lee; Presidents of the Asian Development Bank and Inter-American Development Bank, Mr. Takehiko Nakao and Mr. Luis Alberto Moreno; CEO of the Global Environment Facility and heads of corporate organizations, think tanks, and civil society.
During the trip Kabat will meet with Government representatives from India and partake in the national committee meeting for India-IIASA activities, hosted by India’s National Member organization (NMO), the Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC). Meetings include with the Ministries of Environment, of Renewable Energy, and of Science and Technology to discuss the expansion of IIASA collaborations with India.
IIASA Activities with India
Research collaborations between IIASA and India stretch back to the 1970s, but the relationship has recently become far more productive after India became a national member of IIASA in 2007 through TIFAC. Through multiple research collaborations, IIASA’s applied systems analysis has brought a global perspective, interdisciplinary research expertise, and policy relevance to issues ranging from the future of India’s energy system to increasing the country’s food production. Greater collaboration with IIASA has also brought Indian researchers into contact with the Institute's global network of around 1,800 active researchers and 300 research partners. These often informal connections, along with the official projects of the India-IIASA programme have resulted in over 130 joint publications since 2008. IIASA's academic training programs have also been successfully building the next generation of systems analysts in India.
Further Information:
IIASA Info Sheet on India (pdf)
Slide pack on IIASA and India highlights (ppt)
Info Sheet on IIASA Activities with India
DSDS 2014 Agenda
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