21 July 2014
The Republic of Korea’s (Korea) membership of IIASA began in 2008 and has resulted in a range of research collaborations and capacity building activities between IIASA and almost 20 Korean research partners. Facilitating many of these joint studies is the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) which is the National Member Organization representing Korean membership of IIASA. As part of Professor Kabat’s official visit, IIASA’s Director General met with the President of NRF, Professor Min Keung Chung, and discussed ways to build on current collaborations.
New initiatives include:
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Discussions also took place to:
Malaysia’s membership of IIASA started in 2011 with the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) serving as the Malaysian National Member Organization for IIASA and representing Malaysia’s scholarly community. During his visit, Professor Kabat took part in a national debate on Malaysia’s water future which was co-organized by ASM, IIASA and the New Straits Times.
Water management is one of the global problem areas that IIASA and Malaysia wish to strengthen collaborations. Meetings between Professor Kabat and ASM President, Tan Sri Datuk Dr Ahmad Tajuddin Ali; and subsequently with Datuk Seri Dr Zakri Abdul Hamid, Science Advisor to the Prime Minister of Malaysia also identified IIASA’s Tropical Flagship Initiative, postdoctoral program, and global think tank as well as the Water Futures and Solutions initiative as fields in which to intensify IIASA-Malaysian collaborations.
Korea and IIASA Collaboration
Malaysia and IIASA Collaboration
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