09 December 2013
Gothenburg, Sweden

Nobel Week Dialogue: Exploring the future of energy

IIASA Deputy Director Nebojsa Nakicenovic joins the Nobel Week Dialogue on 10 December, which this year focuses on the future of Earth's energy systems and how to kick our dependence on fossil fuels.

The Nobel Week Dialogue takes place the day before the award ceremony for the 2013 Nobel Prize winners. Established last year,  the event aims to bring together a unique collection of thinkers from a range of disciplines – Nobel Laureates, world-leading scientists, policy makers and industry leaders – to discuss the issues that affect us all. 

The 2013 Nobel Week Dialogue is dedicated to Exploring the Future of Energy

Few challenges can be considered truly global in their impact, but establishing a safe and secure energy future is one that impacts everyone. Against a backdrop of dwindling natural resources, this meeting will ask what society needs now and for the coming generations, and will consider the on-going contribution that science can offer. The Nobel Week Dialogue aims to bridge the gap between research and its societal impact – without which, the promise of new energy technologies cannot be fully realised. The event will deepen the dialogue between thought leaders from science and society on this global issue.

Nakicenovic will speak in two sessions. From 10:35 to 11:15 he will join Fatih Birol, Christof Rühl, Rajendra Pachauri and Anna-Karin Hatt in a plenary session on assessing current energy challenges. In the afternoon he will join a session entitled, "Our changing climate: how can we balance energy demand with sustainability?" The session includes Rajendra Pachauri, Lennart Bengtsson, Mario Molina, and Shuli Hu, and will be moderated by Semida Silveira.

The Nobel Week Dialogue is open to the public and will be streamed live over the internet.

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Last edited: 10 December 2013


Nebojsa Nakicenovic

Distinguished Emeritus Research Scholar Transformative Institutional and Social Solutions Research Group - Energy, Climate, and Environment Program

Pat Wagner

Program and Project Officer Sustainable Service Systems Research Group - Energy, Climate, and Environment Program

Program and Project Officer Integrated Assessment and Climate Change Research Group - Energy, Climate, and Environment Program

Program and Project Officer Transformative Institutional and Social Solutions Research Group - Energy, Climate, and Environment Program


Watch the livestream on 9 December.

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