IDR will examine the direct and indirect economic effects of internal displacement by using applied systems analysis and economic models, while focusing specifically on recent instances of displacement. More
Developing a decision support system for climate-sensitive iterative risk management to address adaptation in Austria More
Over the past 15 years unusually hot and dry summers have highlighted the financial vulnerability of European farmers beyond the arid regions of the Mediterranean. European policy makers have responded to increased agricultural production risk by providing premium subsidies from the community’s budget; these act as a risk-management instrument by decreasing the region’s reliance on ad hoc disaster relief. More
A research project which uses social simulation as a new method to examine stakeholder cognition and interaction, and explores how gaming-based empirical observations may be used in quantitative analysis. More
This project investigates the socio-economic impacts, risks and opportunities, and potential for conflict, of different electricity scenarios and power production technologies in several countries within the MENA region. More
Focusing specifically on Austria's 'model regions', the project aims to provide insights into the implementation of the Austrian government’s previous target to become energy self-sufficient by 2050. More
The core objective of COIN (Cost of Inaction) is to assess costs of climate change for public and private budgets in Austria (i.e. damage costs with presently agreed mitigation measures but without adaptation measures) and to scope out information where full assessment is not yet possible. More
The PACINAS project deals with potential (planned) public adaptation and associated costs, benefits, and challenges with respect to implementing the National Adaptation Strategy (NAS) in Austria More
Impacts of a global temperature increase up to 2°C from pre-industrial levels in Europe and most vulnerable regions of the world More
As losses and damages from natural catastrophes are increasing, the traditional objectives for risk-transfer mechanisms are being reconsidered across the globe. The most important new claim is for insurance systems to further adaptive behavior and risk reduction. More
Improving the resilience of society to catastrophic natural hazards through new risk-management partnerships More
IIASA collaborates with the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) on a project “Strengthening the Disaster Management Systems in Cambodia through Risk Assessment, Early Warning Systems and Developing Building Codes” supported by the World Bank. More
A prerequisite for avoiding dangerous climate change is the complete decarbonization of the power systems of developed countries by mid-century, and developing countries must follow soon thereafter. This will almost certainly include heavy reliance on renewable energy sources, and could include complete reliance. More
The SusFish project is developing a diverse set of methodological and technical resources to assess the integrity and long-term sustainability of water quality and fisheries in the African country of Burkina Faso. More
SafeLand responded to the growing risk of landslides in mountainous regions of Europe due to climate change-related increases in overall rainfall, concentrated rains over short periods, more extreme weather, and increased snowmelts in Alpine regions. More
This exploratory project brings the anthropological theory of risk to bear on the financial arena and examines how “clumsy” solutions might lead to better responses to an ever-shifting risk environment. More
RESPONSES developed strategies to enable European Union countries to accelerate cuts in greenhouse gas emissions and better adapt to environmental, social, and economic disruptions caused by climate change. More
PROSUITE aimed to develop the tools needed to predict the impact of technological changes on Europe’s environment, economies, and social institutions over the next several decades. More
The MEDIATION project provided European policymakers with scientific information, as well as technical tools, for developing improved climate change adaptation policies More
The project developed methods to link events such as earthquakes, landslides, and other natural disasters, to enable policymakers to take more effective risk reduction measures. More
The LC-IMPACT project developed methods to assess the environmental life cycle impact of a vast number of goods, services, and activities. Assessments examined the environmental costs of, for example, erosion caused by land use and toxic substances used in production processes. More
ISAC used a new generation of high-frequency, high-resolution imaging from new satellites to provide detailed agricultural information for improved scientific monitoring. More
The Climate Governance project compared the potential of alternative national and regional policy instruments to decarbonize the world's energy supply. More
Policy disputes over the most effective way to use development aid to cope with climate change are best resolved with solutions that are clumsy, not elegant. More
Global warming is expected to alter natural disaster patterns in Europe, and CHANGES researchers are modeling those anticipated changes to assist emergency preparedness officials and to train young scientists in the risk management skills needed to respond to future disasters. More
The project examines how a city’s infrastructure can be re-engineered to restore the natural ecosystem services that existed on the land before the city was built. More
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Schlossplatz 1, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria
Phone: (+43 2236) 807 0 Fax:(+43 2236) 71 313