22 January 2013
Vienna, Austria

Wolfgang Lutz at the Vienna Congress com•sult 2013

On 22 January, IIASA World Population Program Leader Wolfgang Lutz will speak at the 10th Vienna Congress. 

On 22 January, IIASA World Population Program Leader Wolfgang Lutz will speak at the 10th Vienna Congress. He will discuss Europe's changing populations and education levels in a global context, as part of a panel entitled "Old continent, old people." The panel will discuss how Europe's aging population affects the workforce, business, and social and healthcare systems. 

The Vienna Congress com.sult is a forum for decision makers in economics, politics, science, and media. It aims to substantially strengthen European thinking and action. The 10th Vienna Congress stands for the new business dynamics emerging from the heart of Europe and for a professional debate on the challenges and opportunities this entails. It brings together participants from industry, politics, the media and the business community as well as prominent international figures to discuss future-relevant topics, and forms a network of executives and decision-makers. The multifaceted agenda including panel discussions and workshops with experts offers a wealth of topics and is a meeting place for managers, consultants and the media. Com·sult aims to be a project in progress with its course set to successful growth. 

In 2013, H.S.H. Prince Hans-Adam II of Liechtenstein, President Václav Klaus, Jerzy Buzek, Nabeel Shaath, Jan Zielonka and many more are the special guests of the Vienna Congress com·sult.  

For more information please visit http://www.create-connections.com/en/com-sult/


Date: 22 January, 2013

Time: 18:15

Location: Haus der Industrie
Schwarzenbergplatz 4 
1030 Wien

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Last edited: 22 January 2013


Wolfgang Lutz

Distinguished Emeritus Research Scholar Population and Just Societies Program

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Schlossplatz 1, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria
Phone: (+43 2236) 807 0 Fax:(+43 2236) 71 313