01 October 2017 - 03 October 2017
Kyoto, Japan

World population, human capital and sustainable development

World Population Program Director Wolfgang Lutz is invited keynote speaker at the 14th Annual Meeting of Science and Technology in Society forum.

Kyoto City View, Japan © meikyou | Shutterstock

Kyoto City View, Japan © meikyou | Shutterstock

The Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum aims to provide a new mechanism for open discussions on an informal basis, and to build a human network that would, in time, resolve the new types of problems stemming from the application of science and technology. The forum will explore the opportunities arising from science and technology, and address how to remove the barriers to using science and technology to solve the problems facing humankind.

This forum is not necessarily a platform for specialists to unilaterally convey their knowledge, but rather an opportunity for real dialogue among peers. Participants should also undertake cross-border activities towards the establishment of shared values and commitment for the future.

Wolfgang Lutz was invited to participate in the plenary session on population and resources. He will give a keynote on the first day and a presentation about world population, human capital and sustainable development on Monday, 2 October at 1.30pm.

Since 1984 at IIASA, Lutz has worked on family demography, fertility analysis, population projection, and the interaction between population and environment. Together with his colleagues at POP, he has been expanding demographic methods to make them more relevant for the analysis of contemporary global policy challenges. He has recently published a PNAS article discussing Global Sustainable Development priorities and a book on the same topic together with Reiner Klingholz. He is an advocate in promoting the crucial role of education for dealing with future challenges.

For more information please visit the event website.

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Last edited: 12 September 2017


Wolfgang Lutz

Distinguished Emeritus Research Scholar Population and Just Societies Program

Research at IIASA's World Population Program


International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
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