21 November 2012
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna

ÖAW Kerner von Marilaun Lecture

Wolfgang Lutz will speak about the impact of population growth in the future as part of the Austrian Academy of Sciences Kerner von Marilaun lecture series

The Lecture is entitled „Homo Sapiens und der Rest der Natur“.


The impact of human behavior on nature is increasing in an alarming dimension. We are at risk to permanently damage our natural life resources. In the past century the number of people has quadrupled but the consequences for nature where considerably higher. How can and how will this continue throughout this century? How can societies adapt to these inevitable consequences of climate change? Which are the crucial factors? And what can be done today to minimize the damage for nature and humans?   

Date 21.11.2012

Location Festsaal der ÖAW Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2 1010 Wien

Time 18:15

Organizer: The Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Industriellenvereinigung Wien

More Information: Austrian Academy of Sciences Web site

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Last edited: 06 February 2013

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