The subjective costs of young children

VODCAST - 06 December 2018 Sonja Spitzer


World Population Program Junior researcher Sonja Spitzer gave a presentation entitled "Making ends meet with children: A panel analysis of child costs using EU-SILC data for 30 European countries" (co-authors Angela Greulich and Bernhard Hammer) during the Wittgenstein Centre (IIASA, VID/ÖAW, WU) conference 2018. The conference was entitled "Fertility across time and space: Data and Research Advances" and took place between 5-7 December 2018 in Vienna. 

Sonja Spitzer is a predoctoral researcher at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). She is a population economist working on health, ageing, and economic wellbeing over the life course. She tackles questions related to healthy ageing as well as the economic impact of life events on households, examples are retirement or the birth of a child. She is particularly interested in issues related to survey data, for example, weighting adjustments or the evaluation of self-reported measures with objective information. For her research, she applies econometric as well as demographic methods.


Fertility across time and space

05 Dec 2018 - 07 Dec 2018


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