
PDE Case Study: Population-Development-Environment - Understanding their Interactions in Mauritius

The development in the island state of Mauritius over the past 30 years can serve as an example of how adverse conditions can be overcome. In the early 1960s Mauritius was trying to cope with rapid population growth, extreme poverty, and grim economic prospects.

In 1990 the situation was radically different. Although population density had increased, total fertility had dropped dramatically and the GNP per capita had risen to $2310. Economic stagnation had been replaced by steady growth and full employment, and environmental problems were being addressed as issues of high priority.

These developments attracted IIASA's attention. With the assistance of the UN Population Fund and the cooperation of the Government of Mauritius, IIASA and the University of Mauritius set out to develop a computer-based model to demonstrate the interaction among population dynamics, socioeconomic development, and environmental factors. This book provides a detailed report of their findings. 

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Last edited: 22 July 2013


Wolfgang Lutz

Distinguished Emeritus Research Scholar Population and Just Societies Program


1993 - 1995

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
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