MAG News

News archive: 2012

06 December 2012
EU Air Policy Review

As an input for the negotiations on the revision of the EU Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution, IIASA has prepared a further set of reports that analyze the cost-effective scope for further air quality improvements in Europe.  More

13 September 2012
Global emission fields of air pollutants as input for experiments with climate and atmospheric chemistry models

IIASA has developed sets of global emission fields for the major atmospheric pollutants that can be readily used as input for experiments with global atmospheric chemistry and climate models.  More

10 September 2012
Bilateral consultations with EU Member States on the baseline scenario for the revision of the Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution

EU Member States are invited for bilateral consultations on input data used for the preparation of the baseline scenario for the revision of the EU air policy.  More

10 September 2012
CIAM Report 1/2012: Environmental improvements of the revised Gothenburg Protocol

On May 4, 2012, Parties to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution reached agreement on a revised Gothenburg Protocol on further reductions of air pollutants in Europe. This report estimates the environmental improvements that are expected from the agreed emission reduction requirements.  More

20 June 2012
Background reports for the 2013 revision of the EU Air Pollution Policies

As an input for the negotiations on the revision of the EU Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution, IIASA has prepared five reports that analyze the cost-effective scope for further air quality improvements in Europe.  More

01 April 2012
CIAM Report 4/2011: Emission control scenarios for the negotiations on the revision of the LRTAP Gothenburg Protocol

IIASA has prepared a background report for the 49th meeting of the Working Group on Strategies and Review to inform negotiations on the revision of the Gothenburg Protocol about the scope for further environmental improvements.  More

15 March 2012
CIAM Report 5/2011: Potentials and costs for reducing ammonia emissions in Europe

A new CIAM report presents estimates of the ammonia emission reductions and costs of the measures as an input to the negotiations on a revised Gothenburg Protocol  More

17 January 2012
Mitigating Climate Change and Improving Health and Food Security

The GAINS model has been used to identify emission reduction strategies for methane and black carbon that mitigate near-term climate change and are simultaneously beneficial to human health. The research, involving NASA, SEI, and others, and published in Science (Jan 13) identifies 14 measures that could reduce warming by ~0.5°C by 2050 and avoid up to 4.7 million premature deaths annually.  More

05 January 2012
A journal paper documenting the GAINS methodology

A full description of the current GAINS integrated assessment framework has been published inEnvironmental Modelling & Software  More

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Last edited: 17 September 2018


Carmen Marcos

Program and Project Officer Energy, Climate, and Environment Program

Program and Project Officer Pollution Management Research Group - Energy, Climate, and Environment Program

MAG News Archive

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