Knowledge and Innovation Support

The project aims to build a knowledge partnership between IIASA and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for the integrated modeling of water-food-energy nexus in Asia and the Pacific in support of ADB’s Water Financing Program.

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The overall objective of this knowledge partnership is to generate new knowledge on the future trajectory of water sector issues in Asia and the Pacific region, including assessment of water scenarios, that combine qualitative and quantitative indicators across sectors and disciplines.

The immediate objective of the activities is to support the demonstration of integrated modeling of water-food-energy nexus issues for the Asia and Pacific region. This modeling will provide the basis for consultations with key stakeholders in the region to refine water sector scenarios as inputs to the subsequent more detailed modeling.

The study will help ADB, its clients and partners, better understand emerging water sector trends by exploring alternate development scenarios for feasible solutions to water-related binding-constraints. It will help identify where and what type of investments will be needed to address potential water crises and well as the water-use trade-offs required to ensure sustainable water, food, and energy security in the Asia-Pacific region.

The studies will also support  ADB, its clients and partners, on the policy and operational implications of the water-food-energy nexus. It will help define frameworks for water resource assessments and assist in the identification of strategic investments in the water, agriculture, and energy sectors to remove, or avoid development of, binding constraints.

The outputs of the knowledge partnership will provide inputs to the IIASA global study of Water Futures and Solutions (WFaS), and the ADB study, "Asia Pacific Water 2050" (APW 2050). 

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Last edited: 15 September 2016


13.02.2015 - 12.02.2016

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
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