Young Scientists Summer Program 

IIASA’s annual 3-month Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP) offers research opportunities to talented young researchers whose interests correspond with IIASA’s ongoing research

IIASA’s annual 3-month Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP) offers research opportunities to talented young researchers whose interests correspond with IIASA’s ongoing research on issues of global environmental, economic and social change. From June through August accepted participants work within the Institute’s Research Programs under the guidance of IIASA scientific staff. The YSSP provides a unique opportunity for participants to

  • advance their research under the direct supervision of an experienced IIASA scientist, and at the same time contribute to IIASA’s ongoing scientific agenda;
  • broaden their research interests by working in IIASA’s interdisciplinary and international research environment;
  • build contacts with IIASA’s worldwide network of collaborators and with other YSSP fellows.

Further details about the YSSP and information on submitting an application are available at IIASA's YSSP web pages.

PM YSSP Introduction

Economic and environmental synergies exist between air pollution control and mitigation of global warming. These synergies differ between countries and over timescales. Their systematic assessment could point the way towards effective and viable approaches for protecting the local, regional and global atmosphere while maintaining economic prosperity.

The Pollution Management (PM) Research Group analyses strategies to protect the local, regional and global atmosphere, human health and the environment while imposing least burden on economic development. IIASA’s work brings together engineering, geo-physical and economic aspects of pollution control into one integrated assessment framework.

Together with a network of international collaborators we work on the whole impact pathway chain from emissions over atmospheric interaction, transmission, deposition and exposure to impacts on human health, the natural environment and the climate. Our key tool is the GAINS model that has been used for policy applications in Europe, Asia and other world regions.

Applicants are encouraged to read through the list of possible research topics of relevance to the PM Research Group and to contact the program representative, Peter Rafaj.

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Last edited: 09 September 2021


Peter Rafaj

Guest Senior Research Scholar Pollution Management Research Group - Energy, Climate, and Environment Program

Previous Participants


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