12 April 2015 - 17 April 2015
Vienna, Austria

IIASA at EGU 2015

IIASA researchers and staff will participate in the European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2015, presenting new research and sharing information on IIASA opportunities, models, and science.

©European Geophysical Union

©European Geophysical Union

The European Geophysical Union (EGU) General Assembly brings together researchers from all over the world in a meeting covering all disciplines of earth, space, and planetary sciences. IIASA researchers will present a variety of research during oral and poster presentations at the meeting. 


IIASA information booth:  IIASA representatives will host a booth at the meeting exhibition hall - come by to learn more about IIASA, our research, and opportunities for scientists, postdoctoral fellows, and PhD students at the Institute.  Ground floor, booth #44.

Media Information: IIASA researchers are available to talk to the media during the conference, and Water program researcher Yusuke Satoh will also participate in a press conference related to his work on climate change, droughts, and water resources. More information for journalists will be available in early April on the IIASA Media Center Web page. 

Image Credit: EGU

Presentations and Posters

Monday, 13 April
ral session NH9.2 Forensic Disaster Analyses – Learning from Disasters: Mon, 13 Apr, 08:30-10:00 / Room G6, After the flood is before the next flood -- post event review of the Central European Floods of June 2013. Insights, recommendations and next steps for future flood prevention • Michael Szoenyi, Reinhard Mechler, and Ian McCallum

Oral session ESSI2.1 Digital infrastructures to enhance international geoscience information access, provision and use: Mon, 13 Apr, 16:15-16:30/ Room G1, Towards the creation of a European Network of Earth Observation Networks within GEO. The ConnectinGEOproject. Joan Maso et al, IIASA contact Ian McCallum

Tuesday, 14 April
Oral session HS5.3 Hydropower and other renewable sources of energy for a sustainable future: modeling and management issues:
 Tue, 14 Apr, 13:30-13:45 / Room R4, Global hydropower potential during recent droughts and under changing climate • Michelle T.H. van Vliet, Justin Sheffield, David Wiberg, and Eric F. Wood

Oral session HS2.4.2: Large scale hydrology: Tue, 14 Apr, 13:45-14:00 / Room R11, How to expand irrigated land in a sustainable way? • Amandine Pastor, Fulco Ludwig, Amanda Palazzo, Petr Havlik, and Pavel Kabat

Wednesday, 15 April
Oral session NH9.7 Resilience and vulnerability assessments in natural hazards and risk analysis, Wed 15 Apr, 08:45-09:00, Room G9,  Developing a community-based flood resilience measurement standard  • Adriana Keating, Michael Szoenyi, Scott Chaplowe, Colin McQuistan, and Karen Campbell

Press Conference: DROUGHTS AND FLOODS IN A WARMING CLIMATE, 15 April, 12:00–13:00, Press Room  • Lorenzo Alfieri, Wouter Greuell,Yusuke Satoh, Debbie Polson. More information>>

Oral session SS2.15: Optimizing the impact of science: Translational research and stakeholder engagement to identify sustainable land management based adaptation for challenges posed by environmental change, Wed, 15 Apr, 15:00-15:15 / Room B5: Collaborative development of land use change scenarios for analysing hydro-meteorological risk • Žiga Malek and Thomas Glade

Oral session ESSI1.10/SSS0.2: Citizen-empowered science and crowdsourcing in the geosciences, Wed, 15 Apr, 15:30–17:00 / Room G1: The EducEO project • Steffen Fritz, Eduardo Dias, Guenther Zeug, Fabio Vescovi, Linda See, Tobias Sturn, Ian McCallum, Piet Stammes, Frans Snik, and Elise Hendriks 


Representatives from IIASA's Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP), for advanced PhD students, and our Postdoctoral Fellowship Program will be at the IIASA booth (#44) to answer your questions.

  • Monday:09:00-16:00
  • Tuesday: 13:30-15:00
  • Thursday: 13:00-16:00
  • Friday: 9:30-15:30

Thursday, 16 April
Negotiating climate policy - resigning to resilience?  Thu, 16 Apr, 15:30–17:00 / Room Y1  •  Keywan Riahi

Friday, 17 April
Oral session CL3.2: Climate impacts at different levels of warming. Dealing with uncertainty in multi-model intercomparisons, Fri, 17 Apr, 09:30-09:45 / Room Y8: The shift in onset of unprecedented hydrological drought as a response to different levels of global warming • Yusuke Satoh, Kei Yoshimura, Yadu Pokhrel, Hyungjun Kim, and Taikan Oki 

Oral session BG2.1: Biogeochemistry, ecohydrology, and land-use in the tropics, 
Fri, 17 Apr, 08:30–12:30 / Room G4: Resilience landscapes for Congo basin rainforests vs. climate and management impacts  • Stephan Alexander Pietsch, Sishir Gautam, Johannes Elias Bednar, Patrick Stanzl, Aline Mosnier, and Michael Obersteiner 

Oral session BG5.1: Environmental, Socio-economic and Climatic Changes in Northern Eurasia and their Feedbacks to the Global Earth System, Fri, 17 Apr, 13:30–17:00 / Room G4: Fifty years dynamics of Russian forests: Impacts on the earth system • Anatoly Shvidenko, Dmitry Schepaschenko, and Florian Kraxner 

EGU 2015

The EGU General Assembly 2015 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience. For more information, visit the EGU Web site.

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Last edited: 13 April 2015

EGU 2015

European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015 Meeting Website

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
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