28 January 2018 - 01 February 2018
Cairo, Egypt

IIASA Introduces Water Modelling Approaches to Egyptian Academics

The IIASA Water Program in collaboration with the Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT), held a training workshop to introduce  Egyptian academics to its water modelling approaches.

Participants during the Simulation Games section of the Workshop © IIASA

Participants during the Simulation Games section of the Workshop © IIASA

The five day workshop, took place from 28 January -1 Febraury 2018, in the Egyptian Capital Cairo and it introduced attendees to the IIASA Water Program and its key projects and initiatives. This included the Integrated Solutions for Water, Energy, and Land Project (ISWEL); the IIASA Water Futures and Solutions Initiative; and the Water, Energy and Food Nexus Project

The aim of the event was to strengthen participants knowledge on development and use of models and systems analysis approaches, towards a better understanding of current and future issues surrounding water resource management. 

The workshop also involved a mixture of presentations, practical ‘hands on’ sessions with selected models, simulation gaming and a field visit, in order to place the work in the Egyptian region and its specific circumstances.

Participants had the chance to learn more about and play simulation games, which explore differing needs and approaches to the synergies and trade-offs between countries in water, food and energy and were shown and able to experiment with the IIASA Community Water Model and the Global (GAEZ) Agro- Ecological Zoning models.

Facilitating was Simon Langan, Program Director of the IIASA Water Program, he was assisted by Piotr Magnuszewski, Sylvia Tramberend and Yusuke Satoh all Research Scholars within the IIASA Water Program. 

Kim Montgomery, External Relations Officer also participated, introducing IIASA and its capacity building activities to the group.

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IIASA and Egypt

Since 2008, research collaborations between IIASA and Egypt have involved twelve Egyptian organizations and led to 19 scientific publications in areas ranging from demography to renewable energy.

Joint studies focus on the complex global systems that affect Egypt, its economy, environment, and people. Research topics include analyzing the challenges and opportunities of developing large-scale renewable energy infrastructure in Egypt and the surrounding region, modeling food production and water flow in the Nile Basin, and projecting Egypt’s future population. 

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Last edited: 01 February 2018

IIASA and Egypt


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