15 September 2015 - 16 September 2015
Currently, shipping by sea is the main channel for transporting goods between Europe and the Asia Pacific, while land corridors through Central Asia are seldom used. It is not only suppliers and consumers that may benefit from activating transcontinental transport corridors - they can also support economic growth of the transit countries. A number of large transport and infrastructure projects have been suggested which now require systematic assessment in all relevant dimensions from economic to social, to environmental.
The workshop focuses on major aspects related to transport and infrastructure development. It is expected to generate the following outcomes
Research Project "Challenges and Opportunities of Economic Integration within a wider European and Eurasian Space"
The international and interdisciplinary research project “Challenges and Opportunities of Economic Integration within a wider European and Eurasian Space”, which was launched by IIASA in 2013, aims to discuss and analyse issues of economic integration within the Eurasian continent. European and Eurasian cooperation extends to the key Asian players, such as China, Korea and Japan, as well as the USA. The multidisciplinary approach of the project include economic, technological, institutional, demographic, sectorial (finance and investment, energy, infrastructure, etc.) aspects of Pan-European/Eurasian development.
The three-year research project consists of a series of workshops at which specific aspects of integration are discussed by scientists and stakeholders representing all interested regions; follow-up discussion summaries outline the state-of-the-art in this field and reflect on different futures.
The project has been discussed and initially supported by the European Commission, the Eurasian Economic Commission, the Eurasian Development Bank, the Russian Academy of Sciences, and some other European and Eurasian institutions.
As a result of this project’s international multidisciplinary and independent nature, it is well positioned to provide scientific substantiation in support of possible options for trade policies across all major parties involved in this region, in addition to its scientific methodological contributions.
Photos from the Workshop
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Schlossplatz 1, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria
Phone: (+43 2236) 807 0 Fax:(+43 2236) 71 313