31 August 2016
The European Demographic Datasheet 2016 shows key demographic data, population trends and projections until 2050. It covers fertility, mortality, migration, population structure including population ageing and their changes. The datasheet combines data for all countries of Europe and for broader European regions, Japan and the USA, and features maps, population pyramids, tables, graphs and special thematic boxes on the tempo effect and adjusted indicators of total fertility, and pension age. It pays special attention to the importance of migration for the current and future population changes across the continent and to the alternative indicators of population ageing.
The work on the 2016 update of the data sheet was lead by World Population Deputy Program Director Sergei Scherbov, expert in this fields of demographic modelling, population projections, data processing and presentation, and measuring aging. Together with Warren C. Sanderson, Dr Scherbov has developed new methods of the analysis of aging that take characteristics of people into account. Their research has been published in major scientific journals, including Nature and Science. He is currently Principal Investigator of the European Research Council funded Reassessing Ageing from a Population Perspective (Re-Ageing) project at IIASA that, among other things, ascertains the extent to which advanced societies are actually aging in multiple dimensions, including health, cognitive abilities, and longevity. One aspect of this effort is presented on the 2016 data sheet: the concept of intergenerationally equitable normal pension age (IENPA). The IENPA is the retirement age that ensures that the balance of pension contributions and receipts is the same for each generation, and that pension systems are flexible enough to adapt to changes.
The online version of the data sheet 2016, available at www.populationeurope.org, is optimized for mobile devices and provides expanded data coverage, additional maps and population pyramids, ranking charts and details about data sources and definitions. It also allows the users to download all the data.
IIASA Re-Aging Project
Previous Data Sheets
European Demographic Data Sheet 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014; Asian Demographic and Human Capital Data Sheet 2008, 2012; Global Human Capital Data Sheet 2015
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