Based on the latest data and analyses, which were presented and discussed in a recent book entitled World Population & Global Human Capital in the Twenty-first Century published by the Oxford University Press, the Global Human Capital Data Sheet 2015 shows current levels and alternative scenarios of human capital, especially (female) education. The new population projections are presented by age, sex, and level of educational attainment for the world, world regions, and 195 individual countries (24 of these countries had limited education data) with a time horizon to 2060.
Three scenarios of possible future development are presented in this data sheet: (1) the Global Education Trend (GET) or the medium scenario which is based on historical educational trends and implies sustained effort in increasing education attainment; (2) the Constant Enrolment Rates (CER) scenario that illustrates stagnation of progress, with static school enrolment rates; and (3) the Fast Track (FT) scenario which assumes that all countries follow the path of the most rapid historical education expansion that was experienced in the Republic of Korea. These scenarios show how alternative policies of education expansion in the near-term, mainly through their effect on the future educational attainment of young women, can significantly influence the medium- to long-term future paths of population growth for individual countries and the world as a whole. The data is presented in an extensive table and a number of illustrative charts and population pyramids. The Visualization tool allows users to access simple charts and show data for the world or one of the 195 covered countries with just one click.
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