28 August 2014
There is increasing recognition worldwide that the work of Chief Science Advisors and other Science Advisory Committees is of critical importance in the task of improving dialogue and collaboration among science, policy and society. To that end, the Science Advice to Governments conference in Auckland will explore and share the best practices with which science advice is operationalised in different countries and in relation to some of the most challenging policy contexts such as science advice in situations of crisis, and provision of collaborative multi-national science advice. The feasibility of setting up an enduring global network of science advisors will be explored.
The conference is hosted by Sir Peter Gluckman, Chief Science Advisor to the Prime Minister of New Zealand government on behalf of the International Council for Science (ICSU). IIASA is a longtime ICSU member with ongoing collaborations including the Future Earth program and the Global Carbon Project.
Kabat will join international experts to discuss how scientists can contribute to multilateral and international decision-making processes. This is one of IIASA's core strengths: recent examples include IIASA input into proposed European Union clean air and climate policies, contributions to the newly released IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, and many policy-relevant reports such as the recent Pathways to Deep Decarbonization report released by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN).
Read more about policy impacts that have stemmed from IIASA research on our Science and Policy Achievements Web page.
29 August, 2014
Panel 4: Developing an approach to international science advice
Panel Chair: Dr Hamid Zakri, Prime Minister’s Science Advisor, Malaysia
Panel speakers include:
This is an opportunity for participants to consider what can be achieved at the multinational level that could not be done by individual countries. What would be the added value of a network of senior science advisors, both in the international arena (global issues) and to individual countries (peer support for domestic issues)? This session will consider the following questions:
Responding to the increasingly global nature of societal challenges, practitioners of science advice to governments formed a global network to share practice and strengthen their ties, at the first global conference on science advice to governments, which was held in Auckland, New Zealand this week. Read full media release
Presentations from the conference: The conference SlideShare page will be updated regularly.
Photos from the science advice to governments conference
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
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