Multimedia 2015/16

Audio interviews and videos featuring World Population Program researchers in 2015 and 2016.


VODCAST - 14 December 2016

IST Austria

Human capital as the root cause of development and policy priority for the 21st century

On December 14, 2017, IIASA World Population Program Director Wolfgang Lutz gave a talk entitled “Human capital as the root cause of development and policy priority for the 21st century” at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) as part of the IST Science and Society Lecture series. In his talk he discussed the state-of-the-art and multi-dimensional demographic analyses of changing population sizes and structures.


VODCAST - 17 November 2016

Raya Muttarak at the National Chung Chang University

Population and environment

Raya Muttarak gave a lecture on 17 November 2016 at the National Chung Chang University in Taiwan as part of the East Asia Integration Lecture Series.


PODCAST - 07 October 2016

Deutsche Welle

Pinpointing the human value in the migrant masses

Wolfgang Lutz and Zakarya Al Zalak from the World Population Program were interviewed by Deutsche Welle journalist Kerry Skyring about the background and human value of refugees, results from a recent study conducted at IIASA in collaboration with researchers from the Wittgenstein Centre (IIASA, VID/ÖAW, WU).


VODCAST - 30 June 2016

Sergei Scherbov

The characteristics of people are the key to study aging

Sergei Scherbov describes how people age differently in different countries and why new developed measures that are based on the characteristics of people are better suited to study aging. The interview was conducted during the General Assembly Meeting of the ATHLOS project that was held on 30-31 May 2016 in Facultad de Medicina at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain.


VODCAST - 08 June 2016

WU Vienna

Video and pictures: 28th REVES meeting

From 6-15 June IIASA co-hosted the Wittgenstein Centre (IIASA,VID/OeAW,WU) Summer School in the framework of the 28th REVES conference. International PhD students were invited to get acquainted with newest research on health and disability in the context of population ageing, and the multi-dimensional methods for modelling population and human capital dynamics in a global perspective. The Vienna University of Economics and Business put together a brief summary of the conference and summer school highlights,, available at


VODCAST - 01 April 2016

Population Associaton of America

Wolfgang Lutz at the Mindel C. Sheps Award ceremony

IIASA World Population Program Director Wolfgang Lutz was awarded the 2016 Mindel Sheps Award for his outstanding contributions to demographic methodology. The award was presented by Hans-Peter Kohler and accepted by Wolfgang Lutz at the Population Association of America meeting on 1 April 2016.


VODCAST - 30 March 2016

Wolfgang Lutz

Science talk: The world of tomorrow and the complexity of population projections in times of rapid global change

The Austrian public service broadcaster ORF visited IIASA to interview World Population Program Director Wolfgang Lutz for the TV show Science talk in regard to his newly published book entitled "Who survives? Education decides the future of humanity" authored together with Rainer Klingholz. (in German)


PODCAST - 12 March 2016

Wolfgang Lutz

No education, no future - why states fail

World Population Program Director Wolfgang Lutz discusses with Ingo Kahle why education decides the future of humanity in the show "Zwölfzweiundzwanzig" of the German radio station RBB. (in German)

More information to the show is available on the RBB website:

Download RBB Inforadio_No education, no future - why states fail [mp3, 34,397.6 kb]


VODCAST - 11 February 2016

Wolfgang Lutz

Population, Education and the SDG

To generate ideas and share knowledge of sustainability solutions, IIASA, the National Academy of Sciences, and the Austrian Embassy in Washington have co-sponsored a symposium under the theme "International Scientific Cooperation for Global Sustainability". Wolfgang Lutz gave a presentation in about population, education and the Sustainable Development Goals during the first panel session "Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: Developing Pathways, Assessing Policies, and Measuring Progress".


VODCAST - 04 February 2016

Wolfgang Lutz

The impact of education on migration in Europe

During the European University Institute’s Forum on Migration, Citizenship and Demography on 4 February 2016 in Florence Wolfgang Lutz was interviewed to the question how increased global education will have an impact on migration in Europe.


VODCAST - 04 February 2016

Wolfgang Lutz

What we know about future population

Wolfgang Lutz participated as panel discussant in Session 1 "The Future of Europe’s Demography" at the European University Institute’s Forum on Migration, Citizenship and Demography on 4 February 2016 in Florence. The session was chaired by Alexandra Venturini (MPC), and the panel list included Wolfgang Lutz (IIASA), Gustavo De Santis (University of Florence), Philippe Fargues (MPC), and Juan Dolado (EUI).


PODCAST - 11 January 2016

Wolfgang Lutz

Podcast: How immigration changes society

World Population Program Director Wolfgang Lutz gave an interview on migration and a recent study on who are the refugees in Austria to the Austrian radio station OE1. Under the title "How immigration changes society" Judith Brandner discusses how migration has changed over time in the show Radiokolleg. (in German)

Download Radiokolleg - Globalisiertes Österreich Folge 1 [mp3, 26,771.7 kb]



VODCAST - 04 December 2015

Alicia Adsera, Wolfgang Lutz, Isabella Buber-Ennser, Diego Ramiro-Fariñas, Maria Rita Testa, Jan Van Bavel

Will highly educated women have more children in the future?

Wolfgang Lutz discussed the future fertility of highly educated women together with Alicia Adsera, Isabella Buber-Ennser, Diego Ramiro-Fariñas, Maria Rita Testa, Jan Van Bavel during the Round Table session at the International Conference: Education and reproduction in low-fertility settings (EDUREP).


VODCAST - 03 December 2015

Wolfgang Lutz

Future demographic trends and migration

World Population Program Director Wolfgang Lutz gave a lecture under the title "Future demographic trends in Europe, Africa and Asia, and implications for migration" at the Joint Research Institute (JRC) of the European Commission.


VODCAST - 02 December 2015

Wolfgang Lutz

The final phase of cognition driven demographic transition

Wolfgang Lutz gave an invited talk on "Cognition driven demographic transition: Where is it leading to?" at the International Conference: Education and reproduction in low-fertility settings (EDUREP).


VODCAST - 13 November 2015

Don Saari, Martin Lees, Luís Bettencourt, Nadya Komendantova, Raya Muttarak, Stephen Robinson, Peter M. A. Sloot, Pavel Kabat

Outlook for systems analysis

Watch the closing session panel on the outlook for systems analysis at the IIASA Systems Analysis 2015 conference, with Don Saari, Martin Lees, Luís Bettencourt, Nadya Komendantova, Raya Muttarak, Stephen Robinson, Peter M. A. Sloot, and Pavel Kabat.


VODCAST - 11 November 2015

Wolfgang Lutz

What should be the sustainability criteria in systems models?

Watch Wolfgang Lutz speaking about "What should be the sustainability criteria in systems models?" in Session 1 at the IIASA Systems Analysis 2015 conference.


VODCAST - 31 August 2015

Rethinking population aging

Life expectancies in the EU have increased significantly over the past decades and are expected to continue increasing. Age-specific health statuses have also generally been improving. In contrast to these profound changes, the concepts that demographers have used to analyze aging on a population level have remained largely static. The substantial changes in life expectancy and health status have rendered these traditional demographic measures inadequate for the analysis of aging at the population level in the 21st century.


VODCAST - 18 August 2015

Anne Goujon

Population Europe Inter-Faces with Anne Goujon

Anne Goujon gave an interview to Population Europe on the topic of education.


VODCAST - 26 May 2015

Wolfgang Lutz, Heide Richter-Airijoki

Education or health?

World Population Program Director Wolfgang Lutz was invited by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to discuss about "Education or health? What is the key to self-determined family planning?" together with Dr. Heide Richter-Airijoki, head of the GIZ program on development of the health sector in Kenya. (in German)


VODCAST - 24 May 2015

Sergei Scherbov

Sergei Scherbov at the Shanghai Forum

World Population Deputy Program Director Sergei Scherbov was invited to give a presentation on reassessing aging and to participate in the round table discussion entitled “Dealing with Asia’s Aging Challenges” which will be chaired by Professor Xizhe Peng, Fudan University. 


VODCAST - 21 May 2015

Wolfgang Lutz on 3sat

Documentary: The power of demographers

In this documentary, the television network in Central Europe 3sat addresses the question where the numbers and projections for population growth come from and how and by whom they are are being used. Wolfgang Lutz was interviewed to give his expertise on the widely used UN projections. (in German)


VODCAST - 17 June 2015

Sergei Scherbov

Sergei Scherbov at the World Bank report launch on aging societies in Europe and Central Asia

On 17 June World Population Deputy Program Director Sergei Scherbov participated as a panel member at the launch of the World Bank regional report on aging in Europe and Central Asia. The panel discussion can be watched at


VODCAST - 26 March 2015

Jean Ziegler, Michael Fleischhacker, Barbara Blaha and Wolfgang Lutz

Jean Ziegler, Wolfgang Lutz, Michael Fleischhacker, Barbara Blaha at the ORF program „Stöckl“

The Austrian public service broadcaster ORF invited Wolfgang Lutz to discuss the consequences of globalisation, growing population numbers and the new world order together with Jean Ziegler, Michael Fleischhacker, and Barbara Blaha. (in German)


PODCAST - 24 March 2015

Raya Muttarak, Nadia Steiber

Podcast: Raya Muttarak and Nadia Steiber on smoking in Austria

Research Scholars Raya Muttarak and Nadia Steiber from the World Populations Program gave an interview on their latest study on smoking in Austria to the Austrian radio station FM4. Under the title "Austria: the ash-tray of Europe" the authors discuss why Austria is leading the smoking statistics in Europe in the show Reality Check.

Download Muttarak and Steiber on Radio FM4 [mp3, 3,239.1 kb]


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Last edited: 04 December 2019


Katja Scherbov

Program and Project Officer Population and Just Societies Program


International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
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