There is increasing competition for wood biomass between material and energy uses, and this is expected to increase. This project aims to map forestry production systems globally, while accounting for different forest conditions and countries.
The project integrates models from the literature for assessing forest production rates, global economic indicators for adaptation of costing, and information from experts for validation. For each wood supply system, production rates were obtained by using models from the literature applied to the characteristics of geographically explicit production and delivery sites. The costs for operating the production systems were collected from experts and databases in the reference countries and adapted to countries using global economic indicators. Regional experts gave information on unitary costs and systems’ operative characteristics.
By integrating the potential amounts of harvestable biomass in future scenarios from the Global Biosphere Management Model (GLOBIOM) and the Global Forest Model (G4M) with the unitary costs from the current modeling, it will be possible to obtain cost supply curves for different wood biomass assortments. These curves will be used to compare delivered amounts, costs, and prices and address future changes in the allocation of land for forests.
More information
Funding: Kempe Foundation, Sweden
Nationality: Italian
Program: Ecosystems Services and Management Program
Dates: August 2014 – July 2016
Related research program
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
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