Younha Kim's research at IIASA will focus on the effectiveness of ammonia (NH3) management plans to improve air quality over Korea. In this research, NH3 reduction pathways are created using the IIASA GAINS modeling framework that includes the local and transboundary contributions of precursors of particulate matter (including ammonia) and allows for the analysis of the impacts of reduction strategies across Northeast Asian.
The study will focus on the scientific understanding and integrated management policy, specifically addressing: (i) analysis of the atmospheric regime of current ammonia driven pollution, (ii) ammonia emission inventory development, and (iii) air quality modeling with secondary particle formation analysis. The integrated management policy includes: (i) technology and policy analysis of ammonia emissions and reduction, (ii) preparation of future emission scenarios considering specific national characteristic of Korea, (iii) development of mitigation scenarios considering the national and regional cooperation for NH3 abatement to address the transboundary fine particle pollution.
This research aims to help understanding the emission characteristics and atmospheric formation process of ammonia at a local and regional level towards development of effective mitigation strategies to reduce concentrations of fine particulate matter. Ultimately, it is expected to contribute to discussion and establishment of national plans for each county within the study domain in order to improve the fine particle air quality over Northeast Asia.
More information
Funding: IIASA - Korea Research Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow
Nationality: South Korea
Programs: Air Quality and Greenhouse Gases (AIR)
Dates: December 2019 – present
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Schlossplatz 1, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria
Phone: (+43 2236) 807 0 Fax:(+43 2236) 71 313