IIASA has worked with ILRI as follows:
This project is funded by the ERC Consolidator Grant. It assesses the potential of using crowdsourcing to close big data gaps of ground sourced data on land cover, land use and change. The project builds on the Geo-Wiki crowdsourcing tool and moves from an online environment to a mobile ground-based collection system. More
The projected transition of livestock systems from pure grazing diets to diets supplemented by higher quality feeds will cut greenhouse gas emissions from land use change globally by as much as 23% by 2030, while improving food availability and farmers’ income, shows new IIASA research. More
Minor improvements in feed quality in developing countries could significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions from livestock products, according to a new study from researchers in Europe, Africa, and Australia. More
AnimalChange creates scenarios that project 20 and 40 years into the future to allow policymakers to see what impact climate change is likely to have on livestock production in Europe, Northern and sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America. More
IIASA is involved in international cooperative efforts to produce accurate land cover and soil maps of the world, which are critically important for environmental and agricultural monitoring and decision making. More
Options Magazine, Summer 2011: High quality feed, improved breeding, and reduced disease significantly improve production. More
"Climate Modernity" - The 24H Challenge: How do we want to live and act in the future in Styria ?
Health fears can increase pandemic isolation habits in older Europeans
How circular waste management systems can benefit the environment
Launch of the Northern African Applied Systems Analysis Centre
How we measure the effects of methane matters for climate policy
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
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