PM News

News 2021

30 November 2021
Climate action can lessen poverty and inequality worldwide

Climate change disproportionately affects the world’s most vulnerable populations. Not only are these effects compounding and magnifying existing inequalities, but the impacts will increase in severity over time, affecting both current and future generations. A new international study shows that the redistribution of revenues from a carbon tax can promote equity and protect marginalized populations.  More

29 November 2021
Why we must avoid temperature overshoot

A new international study coordinated by IIASA shows how near-term mitigation can help to prevent an overshoot in global temperatures, thereby reducing climate risks and bringing long-term economic gains.  More

16 November 2021
IIASA celebrates 12 researchers on Highly Cited Researchers 2021 List

IIASA is proud to announce that 12 researchers from across various IIASA programs have been named on the annual Highly Cited Researchers™ 2021 list from Clarivate.  More

04 November 2021
Cutting ammonia emissions is a cost-effective way to prevent air pollution deaths

Tackling pollution from the emission of nitrogen compounds, particularly ammonia, could reduce many of the 23.3 million years of life that were lost prematurely across the world in 2013 due to nitrogen-related air pollution, an international study led by Chinese scientists has discovered using a modeling framework, including the IIASA GAINS model.  More

23 August 2021
IIASA science supports the European Green Deal

The European Commission (EC) has prepared a set of proposals revising EU climate, energy, and transport-related legislation, the so-called 'Fit for 55 package', aiming to deliver the EU's 2030 climate target on its way to climate neutrality in 2050. IIASA research is part of the scientific backbone that underlies the strategies laid out in the package.  More

26 July 2021
Inequity in the air of India

Air pollution in India is generated more by the wealthy, while the poor suffer most of the health impact, according to a study by five IIASA researchers published in Nature Sustainability.  More

08 June 2021
Co-benefits of integrating air quality and climate policy in India

Researchers from IIASA's Pollution Management research group have contributed to a recent IEA report focussing on India by quantitatively assessing the energy projections developed by the IEA in terms of air pollutant emissions and PM2.5 concentrations and the corresponding adverse health impacts.  More

04 May 2021
The economic benefits of air quality improvements in the Arctic

A new report released by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) assessed the biophysical and economic benefits of air pollution policies in Arctic Council countries. The analysis relied on a suite of modeling tools, including the IIASA GAINS model, to project the impacts of increasingly ambitious policy action up to 2050.  More

28 April 2021
New OECD Report: The Economic Benefits of Air Quality Improvements in Arctic Council Countries

The OECD launched a new report on 28 April 2021 that assesses the biophysical and economic benefits of air pollution policies in Arctic Council countries. The analysis relies on a suite of modelling tools - including IIASA's GAINS model - to project the impacts of increasingly ambitious policy action up to 2050, compared with business as usual.  More

26 April 2021
IIASA researchers on the Reuters Hot List of climate scientists

No less than nine IIASA researchers have made it onto the Reuters Hot List – the media giant’s ranking of the world’s most influential climate scientists – with IIASA Energy, Climate, and Environment Program Director, Keywan Riahi, claiming the top spot.  More

11 February 2021
Raising climate ambitions could save millions of lives

Adopting policies that are consistent with achieving the Paris Agreement and prioritize health, could annually save 6.4 million lives due to healthier diets, 1.6 million lives due to cleaner air, and 2.1 million lives due to increased physical activity, according to new research.  More

24 January 2021
EU Second Clean Air Outlook underpinned by analysis using IIASA's GAINS model

The EU Commission published its Second Clean Air Outlook (COM(2021)3) in January 2021, updating the First Clean Air Outlook from 2018. The new report examines the scope for further reductions in future European air pollution, taking into account the measures proposed by Member States in their National Air Pollution Control Programmes and more ambitious measures to tackle climate change. Both Clean Air Outlooks have been underpinned by extensive analyses carried out using IIASA's GAINS model.  More

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Last edited: 23 April 2021


Carmen Marcos

Program and Project Officer Energy, Climate, and Environment Program

Program and Project Officer Pollution Management Research Group - Energy, Climate, and Environment Program

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Schlossplatz 1, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria
Phone: (+43 2236) 807 0 Fax:(+43 2236) 71 313