Convening Lead Author (CLA)
Arnulf Grubler (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria and Yale University, USA)
Lead Author (LA)
Francisco Aguayo (The School of Mexico)
Kelly Gallagher (Tufts University, USA)
Marko Hekkert (Utrecht University, the Netherlands)
Kejun JIANG (Energy Research Institute, China)
Lynn Mytelka (United Nations University-MERIT, the Netherlands)
Lena Neij (Lund University, Sweden)
Gregory Nemet (University of Wisconsin, USA)
Charlie Wilson (Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, UK)
Contributing Authors (CA)
Per Dannemand Andersen (Technical University of Denmark)
Leon Clarke (University of Maryland, USA)
Laura Diaz Anadon (Harvard University, USA)
Sabine Fuss (International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis, Austria)
Martin Jakob (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich)
Daniel Kammen (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
Ruud Kempener (Harvard University, USA)
Osamu Kimura (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
Bernadette Kiss (Lund University, Sweden)
Anastasia O’Rourke (BigRoom Inc., Canada)
Robert N. Schock (World Energy Council, UK and Center for Global Security Research, USA)
Paulo Teixeira de Sousa Jr. (Federal University Mato Grosso, Brazil)
Review Editor
Leena Srivastava (The Energy and Resources Institute, India)
24.1 Introduction
24.1.1 Welcome to Chapter 24
24.1.2 Roadmap of Chapter 24
24.1.3 Technological Change in Energy Systems
24.2 Characterizing Energy Technology Innovation Systems
24.2.1 Introduction to the Energy Technology Innovation System
24.2.2 Characteristics of ETIS (I): Knowledge
24.2.3 Characteristics of ETIS (II): Economies of Scale and Scope
24.2.4 Characteristics of ETIS (III): Actors and Institutions
24.2.5 Changing Dynamics Over Time in Effectively Functioning ETIS
24.3 Assessing Energy Technology Innovation Systems
24.3.1 Introduction
24.3.2 Quantitative Assessments of Inputs (Investments)
24.3.3 Case Study Assessments of Innovation Outputs
24.4 Energy Technology Innovation Policy
24.4.1 Public vs. Private Actors: Roles and Differences
24.4.2 Rationale for Public Policy
24.4.3 Models and Instruments of Policy
24.4.4 International Dimension to Energy Technology Innovation and Policy
24.4.5 Policy Design Guidelines/Criteria
24.4.6 Conclusions: Generic Characteristics for Energy Technology Innovation Policies
24.5 Conclusions
24.5.1 Research, Data, and Information Needs
24.5.2 Conclusions on Energy Technology Innovation
24.5.3 What is New?
24.6 Appendix I: Investments into ETIS
24.6.1 RD&D Investments
24.6.2 Market Formation Investments
24.6.3 Diffusion Investments
24.7 Appendix II: Summaries of Case Studies of Energy Technology Innovation
24.7.1 Grand Designs: Historical Patterns and Future Scenarios of Energy Technological
24.7.2 Historical Scaling Dynamics of Energy Technologies
24.7.3 Technology Portfolios
24.7.4 Knowledge Depreciation
24.7.5 Metrics for Assessing Energy Technology Innovation
24.7.6 China: Energy Technology Innovation Landscape
24.7.7 Energy R&D in Emerging Economies (BRIMCS)
24.7.8 Venture Capital in the Energy Industry
24.7.9 Hybrid Cars
24.7.10 Solar Water Heaters
24.7.11 Heat Pumps – Innovation and Diffusion Policies in Sweden and Switzerland
24.7.12 Role of Standards – The US CAFE Standard
24.7.13 Role of Standards – The Japanese Top Runner Program
24.7.14 Comparative Assessment of Wind Turbine Innovation and Diffusion Policies
24.7.15 Comparative Assessment of Photovoltaics (PV)
24.7.16 Solar Innovation and Market Feedbacks: Solar PVs in Rural Kenya
24.7.17 Solar Thermal Electricity
24.7.18 The US Synthetic Fuels Program
24.7.19 The French Pressurized Water Reactor Program
24.7.20 Ethanol in Brazil