2017 Risk Events

21 Feb 2017
From Kobe to Sendai - Tracing progress in risk discourse and analysis for informing risk management and climate adaptation

This year IIASA is to receive the 4th Disaster Prevention Research Institute Award for its work in the field of disaste... More

27 Feb 2017 - 03 Mar 2017
The role of risk perception in decision-making processes

IIASA Risk and Resilience researchers are facilitating a series of stakeholder workshops aimed at fostering understandi... More

17 Mar 2017
Advanced prototype of a new simulation game to be tested

IIASA researchers will be testing an advanced prototype of a new Water-Energy Nexus game. The game may help to improve w... More

19 Mar 2017 - 21 Mar 2017
Key players in the field of disaster risk reduction to meet in Kyoto

The Global Summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction 2017 and the Global Alliance of Disaster Research ... More

27 Mar 2017 - 28 Mar 2017
Increasing transparency through participatory governance

Applying insights gained from Jordan case study to the European context More

23 Apr 2017 - 28 Apr 2017
IIASA at EGU 2017

IIASA researchers and staff will participate in the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, presenting new res... More

08 May 2017 - 18 May 2017
Bonn Climate Change Conference 2017

IIASA researchers took part in a number of events surrounding the Bonn Climate Change Conference in May 2017, providing ... More

17 May 2017 - 19 May 2017
Dresden Nexus Conference

The biennial Dresden Nexus Conference (DNC) is a cross-sectoral platform for scientists, implementers, decision-makers ... More

22 May 2017 - 26 May 2017
2017 Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction

The 2017 Global Platform marks the first opportunity for the international community to review global progress in the im... More

14 Jun 2017 - 16 Jun 2017
Greening the economy and building partnerships for energy security in the Central Asian region

The meeting is Astana is part of an annual series of preparatory... More

22 Aug 2017 - 26 Aug 2017
Educate - inspire - connect

IIASA researchers Daniela Weber and Thomas Schinko will be Austrian delegates to the prestigious 6th Lindau (Nobel Laure... More

24 Aug 2017
Indonesian bank executives to discuss systemic risk and climate and disaster resilience

Senior Indonesian bank executives are visiting IIASA to discuss systemic risk and climate and disaster resilience. More

14 Sep 2017 - 15 Sep 2017
Climate change across borders

IIASA researcher Alison Heslin will present latest research on global effects of climate change on population at the Gal... More

18 Sep 2017 - 20 Sep 2017
The dynamic relationship between natural resources and social conflict

Alison Heslin will discuss the links between resources and conflicts at the International Conference on Sustainable Dev... More

11 Oct 2017 - 13 Oct 2017
Impacts World 2017

This international conference on climate-change impacts brings together scientists and stakeholders to shed light on the... More

17 Oct 2017 - 19 Oct 2017
Participatory governance of energy transitions

This stakeholders' forum brings together scientists, policy-makers, NGOs, and private sector representatives to discuss ... More

06 Nov 2017 - 17 Nov 2017
UN Climate Change Conference 2017 (COP23)

Two years after the historic Paris Agreement on climate change, this year's UN climate conference will focus on the way ... More

14 Nov 2017 - 16 Nov 2017
Rovaniemi Arctic Spirit Conference 2017

RISK Program invited to take part in panel discussions at Rovaniemi Arctic Spirit Conference. More

25 Nov 2017 - 28 Nov 2017
World Bosai Forum

RISK Program to present state-of-the-art research findings on multi-agent models, highlighting the importance of systemi... More

03 Dec 2017 - 06 Dec 2017
The relationship between social conflict and natural resources

IIASA researcher Alison Heslin will discuss the complicated links between food and violence at the 3rd International Con... More

16 Jan 2018
South Africa Workshop: Assessing the impact of road development on natural capital

Scaling impacts of major road and infrastructure development on African biodiversity and natural capital from local to c... More

18 Jan 2018 - 19 Jan 2018
CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange Costs (COACCH) Project Kick-Off Meeting

IIASA scientists will be traveling to Venice in January for the first meeting of the COACCH Project on the economic impa... More

07 Feb 2018 - 14 Feb 2018
9th UN-Habitat World Urban Forum

The World Urban Forum (WUF) is the largest United Nations conference on sustainable urban development and cities. Focus ... More

20 Mar 2018 - 21 Mar 2018
The Second Global Adaptation Network Forum

The 2nd Global Adaptation Network Forum addresses main challenges for climate change adaptation and provides an opportun... More

03 Apr 2018 - 05 Apr 2018

IIASA presents the results of multi-criteria decision analysis project on a number of electricity generation technologie... More

08 Apr 2018 - 13 Apr 2018
IIASA at EGU 2018

IIASA researchers will participate in the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, presenting new research on w... More

12 Apr 2018
Research launch and expert discussion - "Uncovering the hidden cost of internal displacement"

The research launch will let participants learn more about an innovative approach and take part in lively discussions on... More

17 Apr 2018 - 18 Apr 2018
Cambridge Conference on Catastrophic Risk (CCCR) 2018

The Cambridge Conference on Catastrophic Risk 2018 discusses recent developments in the field of existential and global ... More

24 Apr 2018 - 25 Apr 2018
IIASA at the “Systems Analysis and Decision Analytical Methods with Applications in Energy Transitions, Regional Planning and Socio-Economic Development” workshop in Iran

IIASA provides scientific input to the discussion about methods, which are available to decision-makers to fulfill the i... More

14 May 2018 - 18 May 2018
IIASA at Understanding Risk Forum (UR)

The UR Forum brings together the global community of risk research and practice to discuss innovation in the creation, c... More

09 Jun 2018
FACING GAÏA conversation: Scientist and Artist envision the future

RISK researchers will participate in a conversation on climate change at the Christine König Galerie, Vienna. More

18 Jun 2018 - 21 Jun 2018
RISK at Adaptation Futures 2018

Adaptation Futures to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 18-21 June is the world’s premier conference on climate ... More

20 Aug 2018 - 07 Sep 2018
Risk researchers to provide expert inputs for SASAC

Junko Mochizuki and Piotr Magnuszewski will lead an interactive training at the SASAC ‘s high-level systems analysis c... More

24 Sep 2018 - 25 Sep 2018
Joint OECD-JRC Workshop “System thinking for critical infrastructure resilience and

Senior research scholar Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler from the RISK program was invited to give a keynote speech at the OECD... More

28 Sep 2018
Climate risks beyond adaptation?

Book launch “Loss and Damage from Climate Change. Concepts, Methods and Policy Options”. More

02 Oct 2018 - 04 Oct 2018
9th IDRiM conference 2018

This year’s conference is dedicated to the theme of Data Driven Approaches to Integrated Disaster Management hosted by... More

08 Oct 2018 - 21 Jan 2019
Joint IIASA-BOKU Lecture Series: “Delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals: Systems analytical perspectives on strategies and trade-offs”

The lecture series introduces systems analytical research addressing individual or multiple SDGs. Researchers across di... More

14 Nov 2018 - 16 Nov 2018
The 8th International Conference on Building Resilience (ICBR)

Scientists from the RISK program are contributing to the International Conference on Building Resilience (ICBR), which h... More

16 Nov 2018 - 18 Nov 2018
Local Conference of Youth (LCOY) Austria 2018

A national event for and by young people who are passionate to fight climate change. More

18 Nov 2018 - 19 Nov 2018
1st annual workshop for young CCCA researchers

Participatory approaches in climate change and sustainability research: Sharing experiences, best practices and stumblin... More

10 Dec 2018 - 14 Dec 2018
IIASA at AGU 2018

IIASA researchers and alumni will participate in the 100th Anniversary American Geosciences Union Fall Meeting 2018, pre... More

06 Mar 2019
Participatory workshop

Testing an advanced prototype of ‘Sustainable Urban Heating Simulation’ More

11 Mar 2019
Dialogue event: Climate change adaptation in Vienna

RISK Research Scholar Thomas Schinko will give a talk on “Roles and Responsibilities in Climate Risk Management in Aus... More

11 Mar 2019 - 13 Mar 2019
Scenarios for climate and societal futures

IIASA scientists will present research and policy analyses related to climate change and sustainability at the Scenarios... More

12 Mar 2019
Scientists4Future press conference

Together with Helga Kromp-Kolb (CCCA, BOKU), Michael Staudinger (CCCA, ZAMG) and Klement Tockner (FWF) RISK researcher T... More

24 Apr 2019 - 26 Apr 2019
KlimaTag 2019

KlimaTag 2019 aims to provide an overview of current Austrian research activities in the areas of climate change, impact... More

01 May 2019
Regional Workshop on Blue Economy, Disaster Risk Financing, and Ocean Infrastructure

Nepomuk Dunz, from the IIASA Risk and Resilience Program, delivered a talk on catastrophe risk management in island econ... More

13 May 2019 - 17 May 2019
Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction: Driving Action on Disaster Risk Reduction

The Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction is a biennial multi-stakeholder forum established by the UN General Asse... More

28 May 2019 - 31 May 2019
ECCA 2019

The biennial European Climate Change Adaptation conference is convened by projects that have received funding from the E... More

28 Jun 2019
Central European launch of ADB's Asian Development Outlook Report 2019 at IIASA: Strengthening Disaster Resilience

Benno Ferrarini, Lead Editor of the Asian Development Outlook (ADO) at the Asian Development Bank (ADB), will visit IIAS... More

01 Jul 2019 - 05 Jul 2019
10th IALE World Congress

As members of the PHUSICOS project team, RISK researchers Wei Liu and Juliette Martin will give presentations on "The ev... More

18 Sep 2019 - 19 Sep 2019
RISK at OECD High Level Risk Forum expert meeting

RISK scholars Thomas Schinko and Reinhard Mechler will be giving two presentations on the topics of "Operationalising Br... More

16 Oct 2019 - 18 Oct 2019
IDRiM Conference 2019

The 2019 IDRiM Conference will focus on the issues of “Knowledge-based Disaster Risk Management: Broadening the scope ... More

17 Oct 2019 - 18 Oct 2019
RISK at the symposium “Heavy rainfall – What to Do: Before, During and After”

RISK Research Scholar Thomas Schinko presented results from RESPECT, an ACRP funded project to foster the operationaliza... More

30 Oct 2019 - 01 Nov 2019
Conference on Loss and Damage 2019

IIASA is a partner in this conference, which focuses on understanding, measuring and governing Loss and Damage for risks... More

16 Jan 2020 - 17 Jan 2020
RISK Senior Science Advisor John Handmer speaks on wildfires at OECD Conference

On 16th- 17th January 2020, Risk and Resilience Program Senior Science Advisor John Handmer, at the invitation of the OE... More

17 Mar 2020 - 19 Mar 2020
Flood Resilience Alliance organizes Virtual Learning Event

IIASA’s RISK and Resilience Program researchers, as part of the Flood Resilience Alliance, collaborated with various p... More

25 Jun 2020
Climate change, voting behavior and family policies

IIASA researcher Jonas Peisker is presenting new demographic research at a webinar series organized by the European Asso... More

02 Sep 2020 - 09 Sep 2020
young&wise Summer Program Vorarlberg

Thomas Schinko and Magdalena Tordy of the Risk and Resilience program are participating in the young&wise Summer Pro... More

03 Sep 2020 - 04 Sep 2020
Transition Risk Governance Workshop

Risk and Resilience Research Scholar Susanne Hanger-Kopp will be speaking at a virtual workshop on 'Transition risk gove... More

09 Sep 2020 - 10 Sep 2020
Climate change and transformations at the Red Cross and Red Crescent Climate Summit

‘Risk and Resilience’ Acting Program Director Reinhard Mechler presented research on transformational responses to c... More

14 Sep 2020 - 17 Sep 2020
Landslide EVO Annual Meeting

Landslide EVO will be having its annual meeting virtually from 14th to 17th September, 2020. Due to the current COVID-19... More

23 Sep 2020 - 24 Sep 2020
IDRiM Virtual Workshop

The IDRiM Society will hold the IDRiM Virtual Workshop for Interactive Discussions between Senior and Early-Career Scien... More

12 Oct 2020 - 18 Oct 2020
7th Climate & Environment Film Festival in Baden

Risk and Resilience Deputy Program Director Thomas Schinko will participate in a panel discussion within the 7th Climate... More

29 Mar 2022 - 31 Mar 2022

The INQUIMUS workshop has been postponed to Spring 2022. IIASA’s Population and Just Societies Program together with t... More

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Last edited: 09 March 2018


Joanne Linnerooth-Bayer

Distinguished Emeritus Research Scholar Equity and Justice Research Group - Population and Just Societies Program


Reinhard Mechler

Research Group Leader and Senior Research Scholar Systemic Risk and Resilience Research Group - Advancing Systems Analysis Program

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Schlossplatz 1, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria
Phone: (+43 2236) 807 0 Fax:(+43 2236) 71 313